Present :
1. The
Garuda travel is set to indulge travel
2. Mandiri
credit card holder are offered several benefits such as tickets
3. All
of those price are round trips flight
4. We
are currently open the vacancy for machinist
5. I’m
sure those five women
Countinous :
1. They
are all doing good
2. SOEs
are borrowing heavily to finance infrastructure project
3. The
economy is seen growing 5,4%
4. Which
is translating into higher leverage levels
1. Indulge = allow oneself to enjoy pleasure of
‘We indulged in a cream tea’
2. Round
trip filght = A journey to one or more place and back again, especially by a route
that does not the same ground twice by plane
3. Robustly = In a determined and forceful way
4. Obsecured = not known to many people, to make
something difficult to discover and understand
5. Fiscal
defisit = When a government’s total
expenditure exceed the revenue that it generates, excluding money from